SSG Cookbook
A react website encasing a side project for my internship at Southwest Solutions Group. Summer 2023

During my time at Southwest Solutions Group, our intern class of 18 was tasked with designing, producing, marketing, and profiting off of a cookbook that had the recipes of many employees at the company. Being the one of two software development interns at SSG for the summer, my fellow intern and I, Damber Bokati we tasked with creating the website which would be our main source of profit for the project.

Damber and I decided to ceate the website using the front-end framework React, along with Bootstrap CSS and JavaScript. The production of this website was no easy feat. We both struggled heavily with this framework that we were new to using. From the suggestions of our fellow interns, some more experience in the art of aesthetics, we were able to create a beautiful website that not only matched the company colors, but also had tons of character and resulted in the gain of over 90% of the profits for the cookbook.

Below, you can find a link to the GitHub repository for this website, along with a live link, so you can check it out yourself.

SSG Cookbook home page SSG Cookbook about page SSG Cookbook recipes home page
SSG Cookbook buy now page SSG Cookbook contact page